Tuesday 26 March 2013

Creative Writing task 2

                   In August 28,1992 Sampang, Cilacap was born a boy with the hope of his mother that her son will become a good person and useful to this country. Then the mother gave name to him Ragil Bagus Triatno..Over timethis child grew up and started his activity in a play group.. He just like playing in class and enjoying with his own world on his imagination. do not feel two years have passed, he finally entered elementary school, where she found a new friend and a new atmosphere .. elementary school but before sorry I do not really remember what I did the first time .. hehe
but the school is quite famous in my village, I began to find a hobby and my pleasure .. pleasure which the child's age at that time I really liked it, what is it?? yes it's football .. the first to introduce soccer and unites me and my new friend .. day after day we always play soccer together, either after school either during school hours and eventually take the mother and father scolded by the teacher ..
Day after day passed with excitement, where we always play soccer and challenged other schools to compete with us .. This is an exciting time as well as a disaster for me, because that day was my first time to fuss in the match and hit my enemy .. well it may be bad but at the time I was a small child who can not control emotions .. events become special memories for me, and until now I have not apologized to him ..                  Well maybe to shorten I will immediately tell you about the time - during my middle school and high school me. 6 years have passed quickly I finally graduated from elementary school with enough value to go to secondary school in the village to Sampang .. may sound strange but Sampang is the name of my village. short stories in junior high school, I met again with my friends and my elementary school did not take long to familiar with them, because we've known each other before, as well as other students who instantly familiar even knew each other before. again we started our adventure with the act-the act we were quite make teachers mad .. hehe
whether it's skipping school, not with lessons and fighting with other graders ..
Hence our class very dilapidated dubbed grade students .. wow sounds pretty harsh, but it is reality .. hehe
but we proved we were not as bad as people think, the way our class had 100% pass with good grades. apparently luck was on our side and finally a class that is considered bad by teachers and other students can pass all with no one left behind .. hehe                  Well it was during my middle school, we go directly into the top of my middle school, where I was in school in my village.
where my friends for a separate school with me .. yeahh maybe they want a new atmosphere after 9 years together .. hehe
here I like the time in elementary school know new friends ..Here I'm quite hard to hit it off with my new friends, because they come from different villages. but I do not really think about it because over time they began to be familiar with
me. Here I tend to be quiet and not say much, but instead here I am so emotional and easily offended .. I also do not know why but it was the uniqueness of my not belonging to anyone else .. hehe I do not want to tell you about the time my high school, because there are some things I wish I remember ..
yes three years have passed, in 2010 I finally graduated, and continue to work in one factory in Cikarang. and in 2011 I decided to get out of the factory and continue studying in Jendral Soedirman University
                  I'm Ragil Bagus T, I'm from Sampang-Cilacap,my last child of five siblings. I like playing football, reading comics, playing playstation, favorite food and favorite beverages grilled chicken apple juice, coffee and soft drinks. yeah maybe this is all I can tell. If there are words that are less pleasing and offend readers .. I apologize profusely .. ok thanks and Ti amo .. :)