Tuesday 16 April 2013

healthy tips

for  you the males live a healthy life is very important, in addition to your survival, healthy life is also very important for our body organs .. 

The following are some tips for healthy living :

#The first, sports every week or 2 times a week ..
 eating nutritious, and balanced with eating fruits ..
#Third, no smoking, no drinking, no drugs, and did not often sleep
 late ..
#Fourth, drink water to facilitate digestion in our bodies, and do not eat any
 food ..

If you are embarrassed to exercising alone, you can visit gym existing in your residence and you can also be trained by instructors at the gym ..or you can jogging in sunday morning with your friend, or ride bike until your bodies feels like burn.. if you doing my tips your bodies will looking fresh.. I think this is my healthy living tips, please try at home ..
anks ..!

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