Monday 24 June 2013

Short Story


Elma was a beautiful woman of Semarang. Yet, she 20 year old already. She lived in Semarang, the city where she was born.
One summer, her best friend, Jane invited her to go to holiday in Cilacap. She never goes to Cilacap, she was curious about that city, so she decided to join with Jane in Holiday.
In the Cilacap they stayed in a hotel near the beach. There, they welcomed by a friendly man named Galuh. He was the manager of the hotel. One evening Elma went to the Cafe for some beverage, she found Galuh stood there and they begun a conversation.
“You know, I have a boat located near this beach. Actually it belongs to my brother, but if you want, we can go for a ride tomorrow. What do you think?” said The man to her.
“Wow, it would be nice,” she accepted the invitation and she went with him next day. They enjoyed their trip very much, especially Elma who never sails with a boat.
Actually, Elma likes the sights of Cilacap, so after the first trip, she went out with the manager of hotel every day. As usual they swam, sunbathed and spent much time together in the sea. They enjoyed it very much.
The end of holiday came, Shirley had to go back. She was in Bus Station already but, suddenly she decided to not to go home to Semarang, her home town. She thought, she wanted to stay in Cilacap. Then, this girl left the Bus Station and went back directly to the hotel where Galuh as the manager.
When she had arrived she saw Galuh in the Cafe with a woman and she decided to hear their conversation.
“Would you like to go for a ride in my brother’s boat?” said Galuh inviting the woman. But, Elma didn’t care about that and she came nearer to them.
Galuh was shocked when he found Elma standing beside him and the woman. He was extremely surprise, He got she smiled at him. Galuh thought Elma would angry with him but, she only told her purpose that she was looking for a job in his hotel.
Elma was not angry when she knew the fact that Galuh was a playboy, because She was not in love with that man but, she fallen in love with the Cilacap and the sea sights of it.


  This is the last creative writing assignment. I'm glad because I got new experience because the lecturer give some assignments that different theme. So I have to learn more.
 I hope this task will be continued, I also had the pleasure of being able to share information with my blog readers. And I will continue with my blog for a long time. for creative writing lecturer Mrs. Septi, I am grateful because it gave me a new experience. Thank you so much.

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